Statistics Has Always Been a Tough Subject for Me

As soon as I started my college years I knew that I was about to face something that was going to rock my world, and not necessarily in a good way. I saw it coming slowly, but surely. Like a ghost, that comes from afar, but comes directly to you relentlessly. Indeed, as soon as my Stat class started, I knew I was in troubles. My initial feeling was that things weren't really complicated, but I did not know how to grasp things. Numbers, data descriptive statistics, histograms. Chinese to me. Yes, I know, numbers. Do this, do that. But I could not get it. Seeing my classmates rush to answer the questions of the first quiz, while I was staring at a blank piece of paper made me feel bad. Take the numbers from the sample, add them up, divide by the sample size, and you the sample mean. Then take squares, subtract, divide by the sample size minus one....What? Why? I thought that was it. I was heading to my first F. First Stop: The Library The recommendations were cle...