Statistics Is Turning into My Biggest Nightmare

Hello guys, how are you doing! Oops, sorry this question might have hurt you as its exams season all over the place so yeah everyone seems to be busy dealing with depression, anxiety, pressure and stress. Whenever there is a wind of exams I get to remember my exam days, I also got depressed as I couldn't find anyone who could help me with my statistics homework or could make me prepare for the exams. Having a good teacher is a blessing itself I can surely relate to your tensions. So I decided to tell you my story just to make you guys a little comfortable. So when I was in high-school my worst nightmare was statistics homework and exams , from the initial years of school I was allergic to math but then statistics which is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data was introduced to my life and my life became worst. Firstly my stats teacher couldn't prove herself as a good teacher to me, and this lead...